Everything in Christ.
Members of the Canadian Reformed Churches have established Guido de Brès Christian High School so that the schooling provided will assist the parents in the fulfillment of the promises made at the baptism of the covenant children entrusted to their care. Reformed education aims to realize this assistance by equipping the students to employ their talents in the service of Christ and His kingdom.
Getting to Know Guido
Guido de Brès Christian High School is a privately funded school in Hamilton, Ontario, run by the Guido de Brès Canadian Reformed School Society which was formed in 1974. The school is named after Guido de Brès, a Belgian reformer who died as a martyr to the faith in 1567. He is the author of the Belgic Confession, one of the Three Forms of Unity which serve as a confessional basis for the Canadian Reformed Churches. A statement from article 12 of this confession is inscribed on a wooden plaque in the front lobby and summarizes the school’s vision: “to the end that man may serve his God.” This plaque was presented to the school on the occasion of the opening of our previous school building built on Crerar Drive (previously StoneChurch Road) in October of 1977. As of 2023, the school has over 450 students and 50 staff members. All courses are taught from a Reformed Christian perspective.
We as a school society are committed to bringing Christ to the forefront in every activity that happens under our school roof. To reflect this we strive each and everyday to live by our school motto “Everything in Christ”.

Where it
all began
Guido was established in September 1975 with grades 9, 10, and 11. Classes were held in the old Central High School building in downtown Hamilton for two years.

Blessed with growth
It became clear by the mid-nineties that more room was needed for our growing school population. By December 1995, a total of $2,500,000 was pledged. The Board then set up a building committee to work with an architect to finalize plans for an expanded facility that would add seven additional rooms. Construction began in May 1996 with the first phase ready for occupancy by February 1997. The final renovation of the old gym into classrooms and shops was completed by September 1997. This construction project almost doubled our floor area and usable space.
Guido today…
Guido over the years…

Where it
all began
Guido was established in September 1975 with grades 9, 10, and 11. Classes were held in the old Central High School building in downtown Hamilton for two years.

Our very own
In September 1977 the school was able to move into its own newly built premises on Stone Church Road East on the Hamilton Mountain. It was at this time that we also added a Grade 12 class. Crerar Drive was extended in front of our school, giving us a new street address.

Blessed with growth
It became clear by the mid-nineties that more room was needed for our growing school population. By December 1995, a total of $2,500,000 was pledged. The Board then set up a building committee to work with an architect to finalize plans for an expanded facility that would add seven additional rooms. Construction began in May 1996 with the first phase ready for occupancy by February 1997. The final renovation of the old gym into classrooms and shops was completed by September 1997. This construction project almost doubled our floor area and usable space.

40 years of grace
On May 30, 2015, we celebrated Forty Years of Grace. Over these amazing years we experienced many blessings and witnessed our school grow under the Lord’s guiding hand.
Guido today…
Taking a leap
Over the years the school population experienced significant growth which led us to exceed the capacity of our facility. After much deliberation, hard work, and earnest prayers, we were blessed with a new home.

Where we landed
Following extensive updates, renovations, and countless hours of dedication from our covenant community, we were able to make the move into 350 Albright Rd.
All glory to God.
Our Staff
We are blessed each and every year with a faculty that is qualified, capable and honoured to educate our covenant children. Our staff’s objective is not only to provide them with practical knowledge and skills for their future, but also to deliver every piece of new instruction from a Christian perspective.
How Guido Operates
Guido is a parent run school which is governed by a board of Directors. Each of the supporting congregations is represented on the board, and directors can be either tuition-paying parents, or members of the supporting community.
Bert Knol | Chairman
Jason Tenhage | Vice-Chairman
Mike Krikke | Board Treasurer
Tobi Bos | Corresponding Secretary
Laura Vandenberg | Recording Secretary
Wilma Schutten | Bookkeeper
Garett Van Iperen | Regional Treasurer
Local Reps
Erica Holtvluwer | Ancaster
James Vis | Attercliffe
Toni Kampen | Bethel
Vacant | Blessings
Tobi Bos | Cornerstone
Jason Tenhage | Covenant
Herman Kamstra | Dunnville East
Mitch Jonker | Dunnville West
Brent Sipkema | Ebenezer
Bert Knol | Fellowship
Vacant | Grace
Bart Ludwig | Living Light
Vacant | Mercy
John Bartels | Niagara South
Laura Vandenberg | Providence
Ed Jans | Redemption
Mike Krikke | Rehoboth
Calvin Komdeur | Smithville
Ed Poort | Spring Creek
Arnold Mans | Trinity
Mark DeBoer | Vineyard
Searching for volunteer work,
a fulfilling job or a career?
If you are a member of a Canadian or United Reformed Church and are interested in a volunteer or paid position, Guido could provide a fulfilling career for you.